Tag Archives: wet william

Old Colours at the OLYMPICS

My arm.

Today the cast came off!

Now that my arm no longer resembles a giant piece of lego, I can attempt to get back behind my guitar.

As a result, me and Dan are heading to Swindon this weekend for a much needed 48-hour song writing sesh. We’ve each been developing a series of ideas for several brand new tracks and hopefully this weekend, the ideas will come out of our small, over-capacitated brains and into something tangible. We are also attending an important meeting about a new creative project we have on the go – hopefully when I next report back to you, I will be able to tell you exactly what it is.

Our gig last weekend was amazing. Will and the People were both incredible and incredibly off their faces on something. We also had the pleasure of playing with fellow Swindon based band; ‘Wet William’, who showcased their brand of tuneful, indie rock for the first time. We had a bit of a giraffe in the CD making, whereby we made all of the CD covers and attempted to record the actual CD’s on the way down to the gig. Whilst the CD’s were supposed to be writing, Dan’s laptop made a noise that resembled a lawn mower, so we ended up with 20 ruined CD-RW’s rather than 20 recorded CD’s. Nice.

So, we now have  a good stock of them to give away at our next gig…

Summer is upon us and we have a few more gigs to announce. We re-locate to London at the beginning of Sept, so in the spirit of this, we are getting a few London gigs under our belts.

We are playing at the Roundhouse in Camden as part of their ‘Roundhouse Rising event’ on 26th August. We are also playing ‘Queen of Hoxton’ at the end of July (Date TBC).

Also, most notably, we are playing at the OLYMPICS!

On the 30th July and then the 2nd Sept (for the Para-Olympics), we will be playing 3 separate sets on  the ‘Unsigned band review stage’ throughout the day/evening – we are so excited about this. Also, what’s even more exciting is that we get FREE FOOD throughout the day.

Next week we have two gigs in Swindon. The Wednesday night we are playing with our good friends; ‘Young Blood’ and Bristol based  ‘Archimedes’  (anyone who references MBV as a main influence is worth getting excited about) – and then Saturday, we play with the stunning ‘Matilda’ and ‘Atari Pilot’.  It’s going to be a fun packed week for us – we hope you can make it to one of our gigs!

I miss my cast slightly. I actually quite enjoyed being lazy and just singing at gigs. Also, people tended to let me have their seat on public transport, which was quite handy. Just an FYI too, the rumours are true, you DO  get a hairy forearm after 5 weeks in a cast (see above image). At least I’ve learnt something from this whole ordeal.

I miss my cast